Geographical position
NIIpolymerov is situated in 30 km from Nizhny Novgorod on the river Oka in the industrial area of Dzerzhinsk ( 15 km from the city ), which is the largest chemical centre in Russia.
Dzerzhinsk is connected with Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod by automobile and railway highways.
From Moscow to Dzerzhinsk it is possible to get by train "Moscow-Dzerzhinsk- Nizhny Novgorod", by plane " Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod ", by motor transport " Moscow-Dzerzhinsk ".
Located in the centre of the Volga-Vyatka economic area, the Nizhny Novgorod Region is the most industrially developed one among the neighbouring regions and republics.
Intensification of foreign trade and attraction of Russian and foreign investments comprise the priority in forming the strategy of the Regional foreign economic relations. The favourable investment climate existing in the Region is conditioned by creation and use of guaranteed privilege mechanisms for companies formed with foreign capital, provision of tax credits , etc.
Among the factors conditioning the favourable business climate of the Region, special attention should be rendered to the scientific potential, high concentration of scientific and research institutes, availability of qualified personnel capable of working at high-tech enterprises.
The total area of Nizhny Novgorod Region is 74 800 km2;
Population is 3.7 million people, of which 2.9 million live in cities and towns;
The Regional centre - the city of Nizhny Novgorod - is situated 400 km east of Moscow at the confluence of two rivers Oka and Volga and is the third largest city in the Russian Federation;
Apart from the well-developed industrial infrastructure, the Nizhny Novgorod Region possesses significant stocks of natural resources (deposits of titan-zirconium, construction and glass sands, raw clay, gynsum and anhydrite, rock-salt, mineral water, forests) and an extensive transportation infrastructure;
15,700 km of highways and roads;
1,234 km of railways, majority of which are electric;
1,039 km of internal waterways;