After the end of the World War II in the USSR there were started works on development of supersonic aircraft, creating electro-insulating materials for electrotechnical industry.
New polymer materials with high optical characteristics, high heat resistance, strength characteristics, dielecrical properties, frost resistance were needed. To create them it was necessary to carry out research works, to develop their production technologies, to organize their industrial production.
That was the reason, when in 1949 in Dzerzhinsk, Gorky region ( nowadays Nizhny Novgorod region) on academician V.A.Kargin's initiative the Institute was founded , which at short time developed a wide range of organic glass for aircraft, organized industrial production of various grades of polyvinyl- chloride and materials based on it ( cable plasticates , plastisols , films, compositions to pack food, water and medicine articles), compositions based on acrylates ( anaerobic sealants, cyanacrylate, aqueous dispersion, organic solvent adhesives).

In 1968 there was founded Saratov affilate of NII polymerov working at the technology of production of acrylic monomers, dispersions, polyacrylamide.
Distinguished scientists - academicians V.A.Kargin and G.A.Rasuvayev were the Institute scientific advisers, who defined the direction of the Institute activities and trained a high-skilled personnel.
During the period of its existence the Institute changed into a scientific centre working in various directions. The Institute carries out research works in all spheres of national economy.
At the present moment the Institute continues research activities, introduces new developments into industry,produces unique on Russian market goods.
Thanks to the skilful management, the scientific and industrial activities of the Institute kept on developing even at the hard reform period.